Heavy metal goes medieval - Ironclad

In 2004 Foking Films pioneered a new film genre known total viking power! It would revolutionise the action and classic drama movies coming out of both Hollywood and Bollywood. FFs were the first to mix the myths of Vikings with cyborgs and nazis, especially with their Odin Trilogy (Son of Odin). Critics have pointed out that the references to Vikings and Ninjas in the movies neglect several historical facts. “We want to entertain young people with pointless dialogue and carnage, but also point out the parallels of Western and Eastern cultures”, Hans Bruntt said in an interview with Empire in the March 2006 issue.

After seven years, Mythic International Entertainment take up the idea, and mix the music culture of heavy metal and 13th century temple knights. “This is another rip off”, says director Daniel Foged from Foking Films. Watch the trailer and decide for yourself: Ironclad trailer