Films that will not change your life

FOKING FILMS is a non-profit and totally insane movie project whose sole purpose is to provide grotesque satirical comments on the consequences of modern life, test various technical disciplines within movie making to its fullest (and with an extremely low budget), promote the ancient danish total viking-power, as well as harken to the creed that true creativity is best achieved with no pre-written plotline, a storyboard that relies on a severely compromised short-term memory, nothing but shantily constructed props, bad unprepared actors and a constant infusion of 80% alcohol beverages within the confines of the annual Roskilde Festival in Denmark.

No animals have been harmed during these productions. A lot of people inadvertently got hurt, though, albeit most of the injuries were self-inflicted. We aim to dismember (metaphorically speaking) society as we know it.