Zombies worth 5,000,000$

Zombies are worth a lot of money!

Figuring out the exact dollar figure around the “value of zombies,” despite hours of research and interviews with “zombie insiders,” is difficult. Many companies and top industry leaders do not share any sales data and they do not want to divulge how much they make off the popular zombie craze (comics, movies, TV-series). Could this craze be tied to the hard economic times?

Zombie author Max Brooks writes, “I think zombies reflect our very real anxieties of these crazy scary times. A zombie story gives people a fictional lens to see the real problems of the world. You can deal with societal breakdown, famine, disease, chaos in the streets, but as long as the catalyst for all of them is zombies, you can still sleep.”

Read all about the dollar value of zombies here: Zombie dollar